Club mailing address:
P.O. Box 20852
St Petersburg, FL 33742
Club physical address:
10550 Daisy St N St. Pete, FL 33716
Leave a name and phone number and will call you back.
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Sparks Mission Statement!
All we ask is that you are respectful to your fellow members. We are here to develop our flying skills and to have fun.
We take great pride in our flying field and once you visit us, you’ll see why. It’s a blessing we do not take for granted.
Just a friendly group enjoying our hobby and making friends along the way
SPARKS Flying Field Boundaries
The SPARKS flying field includes a 450 ft asphalt-covered runway, with
taxiways, nearby pavilion and office building. We are close to Interstate
275, Roosevelt Blvd. and 16th St. and there are perimeter fences bordering
these road sides.
Under no reason or circumstances can your plane go past the fences. If
this rule is violated a one month’s flying penalty is in effect. A second
occurrence of this rule could result in expulsion from Sparks Flying
You are the sole Pilot in Command (PIC) of your plane and are solely
responsible for your plane and all its actions and consequences at all
times. Cause and effects (wind, servo failure, signal loss, or whatever) do
not change this. If another member or Flight Instructor is helping you learn
to fly they are not responsible for your plane.
The green boundary line is shown below and flying or crashing between
the green and the red line will result in a one week flying suspension.
Please take others that point out to you that you could be approaching
these boundaries as a “THANK YOU.” We all need to help in keeping all
planes within our boundaries.